'Off without lock' is a simple tool to turn off the screen without locking.
Most apps for screen-off use a locking mechanism that will force the fingerprint scanner to ask for unlocking.
'Off without lock' does not lock, but temporarily reduces the sleep timeout to its minimum value.
This minimum value is device dependent, usually a few seconds.
'Off without lock' has no user interface and completely terminates as soon as the screen is off.
Note: If you have a rooted device and grant superuser permission, 'Off without lock' can turn off the screen immediately. If you do not grant superuser permission, the sleep timeout method will be used.
WRITE_SETTINGS: temporarily change the sleep timeout (non-root)
ROOT (optional): turn off the screen immediately (rooted devices only)
Privacy statement
'Off without lock' does not collect data and no data leaves your device in any way.
'Off without lock' ist ein einfaches Werkzeug, um den Bildschirm ohne Sperren auszuschalten.
Die meisten Apps für Bildschirmabschaltung verwenden einen Sperrmechanismus, der den Fingerabdruckscanner zwingt, nach dem Entsperren zu fragen.
'Off without lock' sperrt nicht, reduziert jedoch vorübergehend den Sleep-Timeout auf den Mindestwert.
Dieser Mindestwert ist geräteabhängig, normalerweise einige Sekunden.
'Off without lock' hat keine Benutzeroberfläche und wird vollständig beendet, sobald der Bildschirm ausgeschaltet ist.
Hinweis: Wenn Sie über ein gerootetes Gerät verfügen und Superuser-Berechtigung erteilen, kann 'Aus ohne Sperre' den Bildschirm sofort ausschalten. Wenn Sie keine Superuser-Berechtigung erteilen, wird die Sleep-Timeout-Methode verwendet.
WRITE_SETTINGS: vorübergehend das Sleep-Timeout ändern (nicht root)
ROOT (optional): Bildschirm sofort ausschalten (nur gerootete Geräte)
'Off without lock' erfasst keine Daten und keine Daten verlassen das Gerät auf irgendeine Weise.
'Off without lock' is a simple tool to turn off the screen without locking.
Most apps for screen-off use a locking mechanism that will force the fingerprint scanner to ask for unlocking.
'Off without lock' does not lock, but temporarily reduces the sleep timeout to its minimum value.
This minimum value is device dependent, usually a few seconds.
'Off without lock' has no user interface and completely terminates as soon as the screen is off.
Note: If you have a rooted device and grant superuser permission, 'Off without lock' can turn off the screen immediately. If you do not grant superuser permission, the sleep timeout method will be used.
WRITE_SETTINGS: temporarily change the sleep timeout (non-root)
ROOT (optional): turn off the screen immediately (rooted devices only)
Privacy statement
'Off without lock' does not collect data and no data leaves your device in any way.